Residential window cleaning in Glenview & surrounding areas

If you reside in Glenview and have been frustrated by stains, smudges, and fingerprints obstructing your view through the windows, don’t worry. Shack Shine North Chicago is here to assist you. Our window cleaning experts can ensure that every window in your home sparkles and shines like new again, including those high-up ones that are difficult to reach. Our friendly crew will take care of both the interior and exterior sides of your windows. If you only require exterior cleaning, you don’t even have to be at home while we work.

Spotless windows make a significant difference in your home’s appearance and the impression it makes on visitors. So why wait? Let our crew take this task off your hands. You should be enjoying your weekend doing things you love. Fan of white-knuckle rides? You’ll flip at Six Flags Great America. Or how about a relaxing afternoon listening to the waves and watching the sailboats pass by at Foss Park? When the conditions are right, it’s one of the most soothing places.

Step 1

Book Your Service Online or by Phone

Step 2

We’ll Complete Your Service in One Detailed Visit

Step 3

Enjoy Your Happy Home with Clean, Streak-Free Windows!

Book Window Cleaning

Residential window cleaning in Glenview & surrounding areas

At Shack Shine, we have a friendly crew with all the necessary expertise, equipment, and enthusiasm to clean your windows and make them sparkle like new. You can rely on us to do the job correctly every time you call. We can clean various types of windows, such as single pane, double pane, French pane, skylights, glass panels, storm windows, patio covers, and solariums. Our crew can make any glass surface shine like new again.

Our process uses cutting-edge water purification technology to ensure your windows are free of any streaks or water stains. For windows that are challenging to reach, we use our water-fed carbon extension poles to clean them safely and effectively. If any stubborn spots are left, we will carefully go over them by hand using a microfiber cloth.

Cities we service

  • Allen
  • Charlotte
  • Matthews
  • Mint Hill
  • Pineville
  • Wildwoods

Window cleaning services we offer

  • Exterior window cleaning
  • Interior window cleaning
  • Storm window cleaning
  • Glass rail panel cleaning
  • Skylight washing
  • Screen cleaning

Window cleaning FAQs

Q: How do you clean windows without streaks?

A: For interior windows, we utilize a tried and tested applicator and squeegee method using filtered water and biodegradable window cleaning solution that doesn’t leave hard minerals behind, which makes your windows sparkle, not streak. For exterior windows, we use a telescopic water-fed pole reaching up to five stories high with water that’s purified through our advanced four-stage water purification system to ensure crystal clear and sparkly windows and frames.

Q: Can you wash my windows in the winter?

A: We are available to clean your windows anytime, as long as the temperature is above freezing. However, there may be better options than cleaning windows during certain parts of the winter, especially when Glenview experiences those freezing, snowy, windy winter days. If you are unsure about the optimal time for window cleaning, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to assist you in any way possible. 

Q: How often should I have my windows cleaned in Glenview?

A: We don’t have any restrictions on how frequently you can clean your windows. However, we advise cleaning them at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall, to enhance the longevity of your home’s window glass. We understand that windows can get dirty more often than we would like. In such cases, we are pleased to provide an additional cleaning service.

Q: How much does window cleaning in Glenview cost?

A: The total cost of our window cleaning service depends on various factors, such as the size of your home, the number of windows that require cleaning, whether we are cleaning both sides of the windows or just the outside, and any other services you may need from our friendly crew during their visit to your home.

For more information about our pricing, we are delighted to offer a free, zero-obligation estimate for our Glenview window cleaning service. Contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.

Q: What window cleaning solution do you use?

A: We simply use filtered water with a touch of biodegradable window cleaning solution. The purified water ensures there’s no streaks from minerals, and our biodegradable solution prevents any damage to the surrounding landscape.