Eduardo’s Shiny Path to a Bright Future

Eduardo’s Shiny Path to a Bright Future

We all have a different vision for what we do when we wrap up our individual working worlds and step into retirement. Similarly, we’ve all got different paths to that place; and for Eduardo Barajas and his family, the road to their vision and version of retirement is fuelled by their Shack Shine franchise serving the Western communities of Austin, Texas. 

While lots of owners consider launching their businesses as a way to step into their entrepreneurial dreams and aspirations, Eduardo’s pursuit of becoming a franchise partner and owning his own Shack Shine business wasn’t his first foray into leading a business. Previously, he was the CEO of his own accounting firm – meaning his business ownership toolkit was well-stocked when him and his family first started their search for a franchise to purchase that would not only fit their life and lifestyle, but fuel their vision for their future. 

Landing on a YouTube video about Shack Shine as they were exploring franchise options, they were incredibly impressed with what they saw. As they dug deeper into the ownership experience, they connected the dots: Eduardo’s business experience, coupled with the systems & support of the Shack Shine franchise team came together as an incredible opportunity. Full of space to be creative, resources to help and support customers at a high level, and the chance to start a new, exciting business.

Austin West landed a new home services company, led by Eduardo and supported by an incredible team of technicians. His aim is to bring stellar service to his community, continue to grow his Austin West team and expand into further communities, with the goal of creating a retirement for himself and his wife. And, to do all that while making space for living now; taking every chance he gets to spend time with his wife and creating memories that last today – and into the years that come!

Learn more about the communities Eduardo’s team is supporting here.

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